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Work for Wednesday 25th March

24 Mar 2020

Good morning Class 3!

I hope you are getting the chance to enjoy the sunshine and spend a little bit of time outside now that spring is here.

Well done for keeping up with your work this week, you are superstars! Thanks to all of those people who managed to log on to the webites. I think that they are very busy at certain times of the day and that logging on can be tricky, but well done for keeping trying. There were a few problems with Reading Plus yesterday but hopefully these are all ok now. 

Here is your work for today.

PE with Joe at 9 am. Yesterday he had nearly a million people all doing PE at the same time! If you've not tried it yet it is a great way to start the morning and we'll all be super fit when we get back.


After all of that jumping around it is time to do something relaxing. please complete the next page in your handwriting book. Remember to take your time and use "froggy fingers". You could maybe put some relaxing music on to help you while you work. 


After the addition yesterday we're going to do the inverse today which means.... subtraction.  There should be a subtraction sheet in your learning pack so can you work through one of the columns again and record in you ORANGE book, please. If you start a column and it is too easy feel free to move on to the next one when you want to and challenge yourself. Please complete 10 calculations and then the word problems if you want an extra challenge. 

There is a video here to help you remember how to take-away if you need a reminder. It only uses a two digit number but the method is the same for larger numbers too.


In our English today we are going to do one of our favourite class things and design a monster! You need to create your own mythical beast and then tell me about it. Where does it live? How does it move? Is it an evil or a kind creature? Check out the resources page to see some great adjectives and adverbs you could include. 

If you want to you could go even further and design a place where this character lives. Maybe it lives in a deep, dark underwater lair like the Sea Witch in Beowulf, or maybe in lives in a spooky, gloomy forest like in Harry Potter. 

Remember to make sure you use full stops and capital letters, and check your spelling carefully. 



When you have finished your creature please do some quiet reading using your school reading book. 

Afternoon project.

Lots of children are creating beautiful pictures to cheer people up when they walk by. See if you can create a picture to put up too. It could be a rainbow, flowers, animals - whatever takes your fancy. There are some examples on the BBC website linked below (as always, as this is not a school website tell your grown-up if you see anything that you don't like or are unsure of).


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