Friday French (12th February)
RHebblewhite - 08 Feb 2021
Friday French (12th February 2021)
Friday French
This week we are looking at Mardi Gras
(Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day).
There are lots of activities, so you may pick and choose.
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Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday) means 'Fatty Tuesday' in French. It is a Christian event. Traditionally, Christians eat rich and fatty foods on Shrove Tuesday,
in preparation for 'Lent' - 40 days of eating dull and basic foods.
Here is a video about Mardi Gras celebrations in the town of Dunkirk, France. Dunkirk is a fishing town and in the past, fishermen would eat a big and sometimes fattening meal before they set off on their long fishing trips. The local people would throw a big carnaval (street party) to say a farewell to their loved ones on their month-long trips and as a celebration of 'Lent'.
A Pancake in French is called 'Une Crêpe'. Here is a short clip in French of how to make one. Watch the beginning twice. Can you match these ingredients with the correct pictures?
du lait (sounds like 'joo lai') de la farine des oeufs (sounds like 'dez urr') du beurre du sel
Below is a clip of Max and Harvery from CBBC, making their own pancake. They have chosen some interesting ingredients! (Yuk). It has been sped up, so their is no sound on this video.
Can you design your own 'Perfect Pancake' in French?
If you don't have a French dictionary, there are some ingredients below that you might like to add.
You could use this worksheet to draw your perfect pancake and label the
ingredients or toppings in French.
Le chocolat Les frites Le bacon Le Saucisse La glace
​Les bonbons Les choux de bruxelles L'ail Le brocoli La gelée La moutarde
Here is a French recipe for crêpes. Can you find the French for....
1. Recipe 2. You will need: 3. A pinch of... 4. Salad bowl 5. Whisk 6. Frying pan
Now all that is left to do is to make your own 'crêpe' !
Can you wait until Tuesday?!! See which ingredients you can say in French as you add them.
Bonne chance et bon appétit!
Madame Hebblewhite x