Class One Tuesday 12th January
Mrs Hebblewhite - 07 Jan 2021
Tuesday 12th January
Good morning everyone! We hope you all had a good start to the week.
Today's Tasks are as follows:
Phonics Reception - Introducing a new sound 'ng'
Maths Reception - Investigating number 9 and practise formation
Phonics Nursery - Exploring initial sounds - letter 'S'
Maths Nursery - Shape hunt for squares
Join us at 9.00a.m this morning for a live meet, where we will be sharing the story 'Mammoth Pie'.
You will have been emailed your child's unique username (email address) and password, as well as an email invitiation, in order to log-in to Microsoft Teams, to join our meeting. You can find a guide on how to access Teams on the main news page. Please contact us at if you have any problems.
If you have any technical issues during the session, there is a speech bubble 'chat' room on the left handside that you can type in, which I will do my best to keep an eye on throughout. Remember to click on the 'video camera' icon and make sure that there isn't a line through it, so that the children can see their friends! This icon will appear on a menu bar, when you hover your mouse over the main screen.
If you are unable to make it today, click on the triangle play button below to watch the story.
Workbook and Worksheets
Please can you keep the work that your child has done during their home-schooling, for us to collect later on. If you can please note the date the work was done and whether it was completed independently or with support, it would be much appreciated. Please feel free to contact us at, if you would like some extra activity ideas or support in any aspect of your child's home-learning.
Collective Worship
Don't forget to look out for the Collective Worship videos and powepoints on the school Enrichment page.
Forest School
You can also find some lovely outdoor activities for the children to take part in on our newspage, posted by Mrs Goss, our Forest School Teacher.
Activity for Reception and Nursery
Listen to the story today.
Can you think of some rhyming words for 'lips', 'meat', 'cart' and 'trap'?
Can you remember all of the things the cave men made, to try and catch the mammoth?
Can you build a cart? Maybe you could use a big cardboard box or make a small cart, using an old cereal box?
Can you make a cave to hide in? You could use an old blanket, some chairs and some pegs.
Phonics Reception
Today we will look at a new digraph, 'ng'.
Watch this video and join in with my short lesson.
You don't need to sign in. Just click on the triangle play button. You can pause the video throughout.
You might like to watch this Powerpoint video and practise reading and recognising some sounds and digraphs we have learned so far. You don't need to sign in. Just click on the triangle play button. You can pause the video throughout.
Phonics Nursery
Each week we will introduce a new sound. This week, our 'sound of the week' is 'S' - the 'sssssss' sound, like the sound of a snake.
Can you make an action like a snake with your arm and practise making this sound?
Can you use an old saucepan and spoon to make a 'Silly Soup'? Add in small objects around your house that start with our sound of the week and give them a stir!
What sound does 'silly' and 'soup' start with?
Maths Reception
Today we are looking at number 9.
Click on the play triangle to watch a Numberblocks episode on the number 9.
Take out your 'ten' frame and count out ten cubes. How many cubes do you need to take away to make 9?
How can you check? How many squares are empty when we have 9 cubes on our tens frame?
Now start again and this time put 9 cubes onto your tens frame. Do we need to count them? Can you spot a quicker way of making sure there are 9 cubes on the frame?
Play with your 9 cubes. Can you share them out fairly? Explore the different ways of splitting your 9 cubes into two groups. Can you find more than two different ways?
If you're feeling clever, you could record one of the ways by drawing the cubes or writing a number sentence, e.g. 4+5=9.
Find and complete the number 9 formation sheet in your Maths Pack and complete this, with the help of your grown-up. Remember to hold your pencil carefully and start your number in the right place.
Maths Nursery
Talk to your grown-up about this shape. Do you know what is is called?
Count the sides. Count the pointy corners.
Go on a 'Shape Hunt' around your house with your grown-up. Can you find where all the squares are hiding?
Who can spot them the quickest?
Can you still remember the name of the shape?
Reading Books
Each Friday we will leave the boxes of reading books in the main playground shelter. You may help yourselves to up to three reading books. Please can you drop the returned books in the drop-box, which we will quarentine over the weekend, before we then recirculate the books.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Todd and Mrs Hebblewhite xx