Friday 8th January 2021
07 Jan 2021
Join us at 9.00a.m this morning, for our first live Storytime session! Today we will be sharing the story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'.
If you are unable to make it today, you can click on the link further down the page to watch it.
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Friday 8th January
Click here to watch The Hungry Caterpillar.
I hope you enjoyed the story . You might have your own copy of the book at home !
Activity for Reception and Nursery.
You could cut out some circles to make a Hungry Caterpillar picture or you could use playdough and roll out some balls to make a model caterpillar.
What kind of object could you draw around to make some circles to cut out ?
Can you practise saying the days of the week ?
Click here to watch the Days of The Week Song . here to watch Cosmic Yoga . The Hungry Caterpillar.
Maths Reception
How many days are there in a week ? Can you say them all in order ? Find the number 7 formation sheet in your maths pack and complete it . Remember to hold your pencil carefully and start each number in the right place .
Get out your cubes and count out 7 of them. Put them on your ten frame . Can you put them on the frame in some different ways ? If you put 5 cubes down one side , how many will there be left of your seven to put on the other side ?
Can you see that 5 cubes and 2 cubes makes 7 cubes alltogether ?
You could try breaking a tower of 7 cubes in different places to explore some of the different ways to make 7.
You could try and record one of your ways . Perhaps draw the cubes or use numbers . Talk to your grown up about what you have found out .
Maths Nursery
Can you make some different groups of seven things to count ? For example , 7 cars , 7 bricks , 7 grapes ....
Ask your grown up if you can play with some socks . Mix them up and them put them in pairs .
Phonics Reception
Look through your sound book . Try starting at the back !
Practise your tricky words.
Lets practise the 'ch' sound . Can you remember which letters we need to make it ?
Find the sheet in your phonics pack which is titled ' Find and Write the 'ch' Words ' Use the phoneme frame under each picture and see if you can say which sounds you need to spell each word. Sound talk each word first - you can talk like a robot ! If you are feeling very clever , you can write in the letters to fill in the missing sounds !
English Nursery
Talk about the story of the Hungry Caterpillar .
If you have the book , you could use the pictures and try telling the story to your grown up .
If you have another favourite story book at home you could use that and tell your grown up the story .
Nursery and Reception
If the weather forcast is right you might get lots of lovely snow to play in !!! I hope you have enjoyed today's activities. Have a super day Class 1.
Mrs Todd and Mrs Hebblewhite x