Class One News Friday 23rd October
RHebblewhite and NTodd - 23 Oct 2020
Class One News Friday 23rd October
This week in Class One we have been talking about the world around us and the changing seasons. We decided to don our wellies and go on a walk around the school grounds, to explore signs of Autumn, while it wasn't raining! We collected leaves of all shapes, sizes and colours and brought them inside, where we made leaf hedgehog collages, which the children may have brought home with them this week. We crunched and scrunched the leaves in our hands, talking about ways to describe them, and had a lot of fun jumping and stomping in the piles, as we went on our way! Later in the week we explored and talked about the shape and texture of the different leaves and enjoyed doing leaf rubbing pictures, using wax crayons.We discussed the weather in Autumn and the types of clothes we wear compared to Summer. We also talked sbout different seeds we find in Autumn, the animals who eat them.
To end the week, we printed with fruit and vegetables and enjoyed the stories of 'Oliver's Vegetables' and 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'. On Thursday, we celebrated Jack's Birthday - we made party hats, played some games and enjoyed some Birthday cakes. We all enjoyed playing with some pumpkin coloured playdough and had a session of playdough aerobics, to exercise our hands. We made moving Halloween cats, trying different materials to explore texture.
What a busy week!! Enjoy your half-term and we look forward to seeing you all a week on Tuesday.
Mrs Todd and Mrs Hebblewhite xx