Welcome New Starters! Monday 13th July
RHebblewhite - 10 Jul 2020
Welcome to Class One!
Monday 13th July
Good Morning everyone!
Thank you for joining us on our class page
this week. We are very excited to welcome you to Grewelthorpe and we can't wait to see you all soon!
Some of you will be joining us from home,
soon to start in Nursery or Reception in September
and some of you will be following our page with Mrs Todd at school.
We hope there will be something for everyone to join in with this week and we are looking forward to receiving your child's
pictures, photos and video postcards at class1@gfschools.co.uk.
Would you like to meet your teachers?
This is Mrs Todd.
She is the Early Years Leader throughout our Federation. She teaches for half the week. Mrs Todd has a dog, called Monty,
some pet chickens and guinea pigs. She likes going on country walks
and spending time with friends and family.
This is Mrs Wicks.
Mrs Wicks is our amazing Teaching Assistant!
She loves art! In her spare time she makes beautiful sculptures, enjoys dress-making and even has her own pottery wheel!
And this is me, Mrs Hebblewhite.
I teach the other half of the week. I also teach French.
I have two guinea pigs, called Nibbles and Snuffles, I like playing guitar and piano, running and walks in the countryside.
I have made a short video about my favourite things. I hope you enjoy it. We would love you to send us your own video postcards, telling us all about you or a picture of your favourite things at class1@gfschools.co.uk
(To watch, click on the 'play' triangle - you don't need to sign into Seesaw).
It was nice to see you all! We would love meet you too!
Perhaps you could paint a picture of yourself,
send a photo or even make a paper plate face of yourself
and send us a photo!
Now that you have met me, here is Mrs Todd reading
a story for you to listen to.
It is called Mr Gumpy's Motor car.
Did you enjoy the story? Perhaps you might like to draw or paint a picture of your favourite part of the story. Ask your grown-up to write a little sentence underneath, telling us what you said about your picture.
Would you like to find out a bit
about your new classroom?
Here are some pictures of us playing and learning in the differents 'Areas'.
Every week Mrs Todd and I try to put toys and other learning opportunities in the Areas that you are interested in and that you enjoy.
Some children like dinosaurs, some unicorns, some cars etc.
What types of things do you like? Can you send us a picture/photo/video postcard, telling us about or showing us what you like to play with?
We are really looking forward to seeing and meeting you in September.
We hope that you are excited about coming to school.
Some of you haven't been to visit Grewelthorpe yet and I expect
you might be wondering what it is like to go to school.
Well, it is lots of fun! Here is a short clip about going to school that I have found. It isn't our school, but a lot of the things are the same.
Can you remember the types of things that we do at school?
Tell your grown-up. What are you looking forward to?
Here is an interactive activity that you can access on your ipad or laptop, with the help of your grown-up.
With it, you can practise doing some of the things that you will do when you come to school, like hanging up your coat and
putting your things in your own drawer etc..
Here is an episode of Topsy and Tim. Like you, they are just starting school.
They are a bit scared at first, but when they go to school, they have lots of fun!
I wonder what you will like best about school? Tell your grown-up.
Thank you for joining us this morning. We hope you and your grown-up will
'Tune in' again tomorrow! We will be doing some fun Number and Phonics songs and activities, listening to a story in French and talking about our families!
See you soon!
Mrs Hebblewhite and Mrs Todd
(and all of Class One!) xxx