Thursday 14th May
13 May 2020
Storytime. Atrue story about Grace Darling. Click
here to watch .
English Reception
Look at the oa sound . Can you write it and find it on your phase 3 sound mat ? Can you write boat?
Pretend you are a reporter . Draw a picture and write a sentence that could be on the front page of a newspaper telling the story of brave Grace Darling .
New Jelly and Bean pack . Sheet that starts .. This is the .......for the baby .
Nursery English
Can you draw a picture of Grace Darling .Is she in her boat or in the lighthouse ?
Maths Reception
complete sheet Lovely gloves in pack 3 .
Use some toys to have a pretend race . The winner is 1st , the next to cross the finish line is in 2nd place and the next one to cross the finish is in 3rd place . Can you make some signs for your toys ?
Complete the sheet biggest is best in the pack 3.
Practise counting in twos .
Maths Nursery
Go on a number hunt ... What numbers can you find at home ? Can you have a go at writing some ?
Fun Activity.
Pretend to be on a rescue boat ! Who might you rescue ?
Find some photographs on the internet of Grace Darling and the lifeboat .Perhaps the museum has some on line ?
Have a lovely day !!