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Swinton Park Hotel - Class 3 & 4

03 Nov 2021 park have invited key stage two to spend the day with them on 17th November as part of our project to reduce our carbon footprint and promote an environmentally friendly lifestyle. As part of this, Swinton want to show us how they as a business are doing to reduce their carbon footprint and involve us in ways in which they promote the environment. 
The children will be having tours of the walled gardens and deer park to learn about their 'estate to plate' policy in which they try to source as many homegrown or locally-sourced produce as possible. We'll be meeting one of their chefs, looking at the foods they're able to use and take part in a cookery workshop to make their own snacks. 
Later they'll visit the birds of prey centre to focus on how they manage their wild estate and moorland, before visiting their woodlands to see how land is managed. 
Swinton are kindly offering us this action-packed day entirely for free but are unable to provide transport. In order to avoid high bus fare fees, we'd like to find out if you'd be able to take and pick up your child to Swinton that day, and whether you could potentially take anyone else? The drop off time would be between 8:50am and 9am and pick up between 3pm and 3:15pm 

Please can you respond via the attached form.

(Highlight, right click,Go ot
Once we have this information, we can then consider whether a bus will be necessary.  If so this will require parents to contribute towards the transport.
Thank you 

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