

26 Sep 2018

Our school staff are always happy to help with admissions. Our Foundation Stage Class admits children from the age of 3 years, we have 8 places available for each session. We can offer both full time and part time places. For further details or to register your child please contact the school Administrators Janet Simpson or Lucy Mawer directly, by email, post or telephone:


Grewelthorpe CE Primary School
Cross Hills, Grewelthorpe
North Yorkshire

Telephone 01765 658287

All other admissions are completed in accordance with the school and LA's admissions policies. Children living in the school's catchment area are normally offered a place at school. Applications from parents living out of the catchment area should be made to the Harrogate Education Office. The current planned admission number is 10 children per year group. Prospective parents are welcome to look around the school and should contact the school office to make an appointment. Parents wishing to enrol their children should complete an admission form and parental preference form. To apply for a place and further information on the admissions process please follow the link.

Click here to access admission forms.

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Cross Hills
Ripon, North Yorkshire
Great Britain
01765 658 287
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