
Pupil Premium

06 May 2019

Pupil Premium Reporting to Parents

Pupil Premium is funding that we receive from the Government. It is additional to our main school funding and paid with the intention that it is used to address the underlying inequalities between children and thereby to raise standards of attainment. It is to be used for the children who need it most and need is to be determined by the school. The payment which the school receives is based on the number of children receiving free school meals (or who have previously received free school meals), looked after children or children adopted from care on or after 30th December 2005 but there is no requirement to spend it on those children alone provided the objectives are met.


At Grewelthorpe CE Primary School:

  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of our pupils.
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups. This includes ensuring that the needs of  disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed
  • In making provision for disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be disadvantaged
  • We also recognise that not all pupils who are disadvantaged are registered for or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils considered by school to be eligible and who in the opinion of the school will benefit from the use of the Pupil Premium for appropriate provision to meet their needs.
  • Funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of Pupil Premium interventions at one time.


The range of provision the school may consider includes:

  • Providing small group work with an experienced teacher or assistant focused on overcoming gaps in learning
  • 1:1 support
  • Additional teaching and learning opportunities provided through our cluster partnership or external agencies
  • Acquiring effective materials aimed at raising standards, particularly in reading and mathematics.
  • All our work through the pupil premium will be aimed at accelerating progress moving children to at least age related expectations. Initially this will be in Literacy and Numeracy
  • Resources may also be used to target able children on FSM to achieve National Expectations or above at the end of KS1 or KS2
  • The school will publish information on how they have used their Pupil Premium Grant to address the issue of ‘narrowing the gap’, for disadvantaged pupils.

 Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) Allocation for 2013/14 was: £9,777

The PPG allocation for 2013/2014 was targeted:

  1. To support the cost of employing a Home School Link Worker to improve pupil attendance and punctuality.
  2. To support children’s learning in the classroom by:
  • Ensuring that class sizes are as low as possible
  • Ensuring that the children who qualify for free school meals have their needs clearly identified and their progress closely monitored through school.
  • Supporting further intervention in learning when this would help the child reach their potential
  1. To fund resources aimed at level 6 and beyond to ensure pupils are given opportunities to reach their potential.
  2. To fund the purchase of Numicon and staff training, a multi sensory mathematical resource to challenge and support all pupils in the teaching and learning of mathematics, and staff training in its use.

The impact of the PPG for 2013/4 was:

At the end of the Foundation Stage all pupils attained a good level of development.

At the end of KS1 100% of pupils attained level 2 or above in reading, writing and maths.

At the end of KS2 100% of pupils attained level 4 or above in reading, writing, spelling grammar and punctuation and 87.5% attained level 4 or above in maths above the current National data available. The mean for performance in reading, writing and maths for all pupils, including all vulnerable groups, was above the expected average point score.

At the end of KS2 the percentage of pupils attaining level 6 has improved, 12.5% attained level 6 in reading, 50% in writing, 37.5% in spelling, grammar and punctuation and 37.5% in maths.

 Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) Allocation for 2014/15 was: £12,300

The PPG allocation for 2014/2015 was targeted:

  1. To ensure the well-being of those children eligible for free school meals and looked after children.
  2. To raise achievement and close the attainment gap between those children eligible for free school meals and looked after children and their peers.
  3. To provide small group work with an experienced teacher to overcome gaps in learning.
  4. To support children’s learning in the classroom by:
  • Supporting further intervention in learning when this would help the child reach their potential.
  • To fund resources in line with new curriculum expectations to ensure pupils are given opportunities to reach their potential.

 The impact of the PPG for 2014/2015 was:

At the end of the Foundation Stage all pupils attained a good level of development with the average point score for pupils being 37.4  well above the LA score of 34.2 and well above the preliminary National score of 34.3.

At the end of KS1 100% of pupils attained level 2 or above in writing and maths and 71.4% attaining level 2 or above in reading.

At the end of KS2 100% of pupils attained level 4 or above in reading, writing, spelling grammar and punctuation and maths above the current National data available. The mean for performance in reading, writing and maths for all pupils, including all vulnerable groups, was above the expected average point score.

At the end of KS2 100% of pupils made expected or better than expected progress in reading, writing and maths, above National expectations.

In the academic year 2015/16 we had £7,920.

The PPG allocation for 2015/2016 was targeted:

Providing small group work focused on overcoming gaps in learning

  1. 1:1 support
  2. Additional teaching and learning opportunities provided through trained TAs or external agencies
  3. Acquiring effective materials, including ICT resources aimed at raising standards, particularly in reading and mathematics.
  4. Staff training; to develop their knowledge of barriers to learning to enable them to deliver effective interventions including Reading Intervention and speech and language development.
  5. Funding Places for School Trips to allow those who are less financially fortunate to access the same educational opportunities as others.
  6. Funding after school clubs to widen access to those who may be limited by finances.
  7. Providing pastoral support from a Parent Support Worker.

 The impact of the PPG for 2015/2016 was:

At the end of the Foundation Stage 90% of pupils attained a good level of development with the average point score for pupils being 36.6 well above the LA score of  34.3 and well above the preliminary National score of 34.4.

100% of pupils attained the phonics standard above the National figure of  80.5 %

At the end of KS1 100% of pupils attained the expected level in reading above the National figure of 74%

At the end of KS1 40% of pupils attained greater depth in reading above the National figure of 23.6 %

At the end of KS1 100% of pupils attained the expected level in writing above the National figure of 65.5 %

At the end of KS1 20% of pupils attained greater depth in writing above the National figure of  13.3%

At the end of KS1 100% of pupils attained the expected level in maths above the National figure of  72.6%

At the end of KS1 20% of pupils attained greater depth in maths above the National figure of  17.8 %


At the end of KS2 the average scaled score for reading was 107, above the National figure of 102.

80% of pupils attained the expected standard in reading above the National figure of 65.7%

There is no scaled score for writing 100% of pupils attained the expected standard above the National figure of 74.1%

At the end of KS2 the average scaled score for maths was 109, above the National figure of 103.

100% of pupils attained the expected standard in maths above the National figure of 69.9%

At the end of KS2 the average scaled score for grammar, punctuation and spelling was 109, above the National figure of 103.

90% of pupils attained the expected standard in grammar, punctuation and spelling above the National figure of 72.5%

If your child does not receive Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family's income level, please contact the office (in confidence) to register them. Even if you do not wish them to have the meals, this would mean the school could still claim Pupil Premium funding that may be used to help your child.

Click -PP-strategy-Grewelthorpe_2017-2018__draft.pdf-  to see our pupil premium strategy for 2017-2018

PP Strategy 2018-2019

 PP Strategy 2019-20

 PP Strategy 2020-2021

 PP Strategy 2021-2022



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