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08 Feb 2024


We are committed to meeting our obligation with regards to school attendance through our whole school approach that values good school attendance, including:
·      Promoting good attendance
·      Ensuring every child has access to full time education
·      Building and maintaining a strong relationship with families to enable targeted support to better school attendance
·      Reducing absence, including persistent and severe absence
·      Acting early to address patterns of absence
·      Promoting the importance of arriving to school and lessons on time to support punctuality

We ask that you please notify the school of the reason for the absence on the first day of an unplanned absence by 9am or as soon as practically possible by calling the school office staff. This can be done by ringing the school directly: Grewelthorpe: 01765 658287/ Fountains: 01765 620631. Or you can complete an absence record via the school website.

We will mark absence due to illness as authorised unless the school has a genuine concern about the authenticity of the illness.

Attending a medical or dental appointment will be counted as authorised as long as the pupil’s parent/carer notifies the school in advance of the appointment.

Parents should download the Leave of absence form from the website or ask the school office for a copy if they want to go on holiday during term time:
Where any pupil we expect to attend school does not attend, or stops attending, without reason, the school will:
·      Call the pupil’s parent/carer on the morning of the first day of unexplained absence to ascertain the reason. If the school cannot reach any of the pupil’s emergency contacts, two members of staff will visit the house.

Attendance and punctuality data is monitored half termly. Our aim as a school is to collectively achieve the green standard of 96-100%. We will be celebrating our collective efforts to reach this standard in a half termly Collective Worship and each class will track their collective attendance in their classrooms to show that they are on track to achieve our goal.

We just want to make you aware that if your child's individual attendance records fall below 90%, you will receive a letter from school and Mrs Acheson will make a phone call to discuss this. We fully understand that authorised absences for illnesses and medical appointments will impact this but as a school we have to communicate when attendance crosses this milestone.

 Thank you for your support with this.



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