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Survey results

22 Feb 2021

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for completing the survey we sent out before the half term break. Your feedback has been extremely helpful. I have included a summary of the results and all the written feedback from questions 10 and 11 have been shared with all staff so that we can try to continue to improve what we are offering during this period of lockdown.

Survey Results

  1. Has the school provided daily remote learning for all children?    Yes 96%
  2. Has there been enough work set for 3-4 hours of work per day?  Yes 88%
  3. Has the teacher provided a Teams call daily for all children?   Yes 100%
  4. Has the school set work in a range of curriculum subjects?  Yes 92%
  5. Do you feel that the school has addressed any issues/concerns raised?  Yes 92%
  6. Have the daily Teams calls provided support for the children’s well-being as well as academic support?   Yes 88%
  7. How useful have the Sporting Influence newsletters been?  Somewhat  38%   Neutral  54Not useful  7%
  8. Has the school provided a daily act of collective worship?  Yes 88%
  9. Average rating (out of 5)  4.42
The survey was anonymous so if you have felt that the provision in some areas has not met your needs then I would encourage you to please contact me directly. I am happy to answer any questions or discuss any issues/concerns you may have. We are most grateful for your support and feedback.

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