Class 2 - new term welcome
03 Sep 2023
Hello class 2, we hope you had a fantastic summer; we can't wait to hear all about it when we welcome you all back this week.
This year Mrs Hickinbotham will be teaching class 2 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Friday afternoons supported by Mrs Driver. Mrs Field will be teaching on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Friday mornings supported by Mrs Wicks.
This will be our timetable for this half-term:
We will be having PE on a Tuesday and a Friday so please make sure PE kits are in school on those days.
Homework packs will be sent home on Fridays, so please can they be brought back each Friday morning but can otherwise be kept at home. Little Wandle books will also be swapped on a Friday
We are very excited about the autumn term topics – here is a quick overview of the learning we plan to do during our topic afternoons:
History - Who roamed the Earth before humans?
- Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally (dinosaurs).
Science - What kinds of life are there?
- Locational knowledge
- Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
DT - Food and Nutrition
Art - Printing
Enjoy the rest of the holidays and we look forward welcoming you back on Tuesday.
Mrs Hickinbotham and Mrs Field