Animals animals
06 Nov 2021
How can we send less waste to landfill?
We found out all about how to compost green waste and how worms can help! Guess how long the longest worm in the world is!
We got to make our own mini wormeries. First we put compost and shredded paper in the bottom of our tubs. Then 3 worms and finally cabbage leaves. The worms like the dark and can borrow in the compost. The paper and cabbage was for them to eat.
Are all animals the same?
What a fun day we had! We were very excited and a bit nervous about touching and holding all the different animals. It was fascinating to hear about how the different animals used their wiskers or feelers, whether they had eyes or not and it was very surprising to find out that snails have teeth! We also learned about what the different animals ate, where they lived and whether they came out at daytime or nightime.