Quiet reading for 20 mins - you can read to someone else or to yourself. Y2 - make sure that you click on the link https://ukhosted116.renlearn.co.uk/2245402/ and complete the quiz when you have finished a book. Computing & Music Last week we were making patterns to the pulse to play along with the rhyme 'Mrs White had a fright'. This week I want you to use Purple Mash. In Purple Mash 2Beat each box is a beat. So if I wanted to make the clap, tap pattern we did last week it would look like this: I would like you to make a pattern to the pulse using Purple Mash 2Beat . Play it and say the rhyme Mrs White had a fright along with it. Now try singing Lots of Rosy Apples. Remember that you can have more than one instrument playing at the same time. Try experiment changing the speed of the pulse by moving the purple circle in the scroll bar at the top of the screen. Can you still say the rhyme/sing along? Which speed is best? Can you sing/say other songs/rhymes that you know together with your sound pattern. Make sure you save your work with a sensible name. You could video yourself singing/saying a song/rhyme to your sound pattern and send it to me in your private channel in Teams.
Collective Worship Today's collective worship is on the Enrichment page of the website under 'News & Events'