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Tuesday 9th February

08 Feb 2021

Tuesday 9th February 2021       
  Good Morning Home School! 

**Book swap today**
Teams chat at 10 o'clock 
Guided Reading   Blue group stay on Teams chat. Green group 11 o'clock.

Morning work 

Collective Worship

Book swap today 9:30 - 12:00 or 1:30 - 3:00
The books will be under the sheltered area at the side of school.

There will be books in boxes according to book bands (for Y1) at the top of the white unit or AR numbers (for Y2) in the bottom of the white unit. 

Teams Chat Today   
Our Teams chat for everyone this morning is at 10 o'clock. 

Blue guided reading group - stay on the meeting and have your Reading Explorers booklet and highlighter pens with you.
Green guided reading group - you will need to leave the chat at the same time as the Year 1s and then come back at  11 o'clock with your Reading Exploreres booklet and highlighter pens.


Morning work    

Log onto sumdog   and practice your mental maths for 10 minutes. 
Today you are going to finish off your fact sheets and write about desert plants. Here are some pictures from the book to remind you.


Can I finish my fact sheet from my planning?
Look at your planning words and pictures. Tell someone else in your family all about the plant or plants that you have in the third box on your planning sheet.

Leave a blank line below the work you did yesterday and on the next line down write the date in the margin and then one or more sentences about desert plants. 

Challenge: Write some sentences for a fourth section called 'Fun facts'.

Take a photo of your work and send it to me on your private channel in Teams (or email). I will print them out and put them on display at school so that you can see them when you come back.

Y1 Maths 
Get your white board pens, laminated sheet, bricks and number tracks to have a go at the questions in the video as I am talking about them. You can pause the video at any time so that you have more time to work them out. If you finish quickly then draw a part whole diagram for each question.

Can I add by counting on?
Can I change the order of addition to make it easier to count on?

Maths No Problem page - 120



Mark your own work in purple pen. The answers are in the Home Learning tab.

Y2 Maths 
What do you know about multiples of 2, 5 and 10? That means the numbers that are in the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. You can use your hundred squares to help.


The words in red might help you.
Send me your answers on your private channel in Teams.

Now play this game with someone else in your family.



Year 1
Click on the video to play Tricky Word Trucks. Can you say the word before I do?

Log onto Phonics Play at Play the game 'Rocket Rescue' or 'Picnic on Pluto' or 'Sentence Substitution'. 

Practice this weeks spellings. Remember to 'Look at the word. Say it out loud. Cover it up. Write it. Check that what you have written is the same as the original.

Year 2
Click on the video to find out more about this weeks spellings.

Practice this weeks spellings. Remember to 'Look at the word. Say it out loud. Cover it up. Write it. Check that what you have written is the same as the original.

Can you think of any other words that will follow this rule?


Quiet reading for 20 mins - you can read to someone else or to yourself.
Y2 - make sure that you click on the link  and complete the quiz when you have finished a book. 

Design your own fruit salad. Draw and label your design. I will talk to you more about this in our Teams meeting.


Collective Worship  

Today's collective worship is on the Enrichment page of the website under 'News & Events'



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