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Monday 18th January

15 Jan 2021

Monday 18th January 2021       
  Good Morning Home School! 
Teams chat at 10 o'clock

Morning work 

Collective Worship


Make sure that you get some exercise every day. You could join in with Joe Wicks and his PE lesson which is being streamed live at 9 o'clock.  

Teams chat at 10 o'clock   

Our Teams chat this morning is at 10 o'clock. 


Morning work    

Log onto Teams and click on the Assignments tab. You will see an assignment called 'Morning Work Mon 18th Jan'. Click on the assignment and complete the questions. 

Y1 - the answer to question 5 is wrong! Well done for those children who checked their work and decided that they were correct. You know that this happens sometimes.


Click on the video below to listen to rest of our story.

Can you remember how each of the animals got accross?

Y1 - Can I retell part of a story?
Choose an animal and write a sentence to tell me what happened when they were crossing the river. If you finish quickly you could choose other animals from the story and write sentences about them as well. 

Now get your highlighter pen and highlight all the capital letters and full stops that you have used.

Y2 - Can I include expanded noun phrase in my sentences?
Choose 5 animals from the story. Write sentences to tell me what happened when they were crossing the river. Use adjectives to make expanded noun phrases like we did on Friday.

Now get your highlighter pen and highlight all the expanded noun phrases that you have used.

Here is my sentence.

The sneaky rat pushed the sleeping cat into the cold, rushing water so that he could win the race.

Take a photo of your work and post it on your private channel in Teams.


Y1 Maths 
Watch the video to find out what we are learning today.

Look at the picture below. 

1) How many 5 pound notes can you see?
2) How many 10 pound notes can you see?
3) How many 20 pound notes can you see?
4) How many 50 pound notes can you see? 


Now look at this picture.

5) Which note could you buy the most books with?
6) Which note could you buy 1 book with?

Y2 Maths 

Watch the video to find out what today's problem is.

Now answer these questions in your home school book.

If you finish quickly then log onto Sumdog.

Year 1


 Can you remember what sound 'oa' makes? 
Copy your spellings into your home school book. Copy each word onto a new line so that you can practice them each day using the 'Look, say, cover, write, check method. 

Can you find the 'oa' sound and put a line under it?
Are there any other 2 letter sounds in your words?



Y2s this week we learning about adding 'es' to words ending in 'y'. We were adding 'es' to words last week to make plurals and the make verbs agree in the third person. Can you spot a pattern and make up your own rule to share with the year 2s tomorrow.

Copy your spellings into your home school book. Copy each word onto a new line so that you can practice them each day using the 'Look, say, cover, write, check' method. Rember to use joined up handwriting. Look on your laminated handwriting sheet for any letters that you are not sure how to form.




Quiet reading for 20 mins - you can read to someone else or to yourself.
Y2 - make sure that you click on the link  and complete the quiz when you have finished a book. 

On Friday we discovered that water is a material and ice is frozen water. Everyone noticed that the ice and snow (solids) from outside melted to become water (liquid) when you brought it inside because it is warmer inside. 

What is the quickest way to melt ice?
Today I would like you to conduct an experiment. Think of different things that you could do to the ice to make it melt. Try and think of at least 3. 
Teams meeting ideas: somewhere warm, somewhere hot, mix, warm water, salt

Y2 - Write down your 3 ideas and predict which one you think will work the best and say why.
Now get 3 ice cubes from your freezer and put them into 3 different bowls. Do your 3 ideas and record what happens. You could take photos, write notes, or draw pictures.

What happened? Were there any surprises?
Share your ideas and results on Teams.

We also had a fun idea shared with us in the Teams chat that you could try - put a small plastic toy, pom pom, glitter or other things into some water and put it in your freezer.

Collective Worship  

Today's collective worship is on the Enrichment page of the website under 'News & Events'



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