Friday 15th January
14 Jan 2021
Friday 15th January 2021
Good Morning Home School!
Teams chat at 10 o'clock
Our Teams chat this morning is at 10 o'clock.
Morning work
Facts at your fingertips!
Find the booklet called 'Weekly Written Arithmetic Questions' Turn to Week 4. Use your watch or a timer to see how quickly you can complete all the questions. Stop after 5 minutes.
Y2 - You can miss out question 3.
Mark your own work using your purple pen. The answers are in the Home Learning tab.
Click on the video below to listen to our new story.
Do you remember Nelly the Noun Lady?
She told us that nouns are animals, places, people or things. We discovered that you can put 'a' or 'the' infront of all nouns. For example 'the basket' or 'a dog'.
I have made a word bank using words from the story. Some of the words below are nouns. Can you find them?
Y1 - Can I identify nouns?
Can you find all the nouns and write them in your home school book as a list.
Take a photo of your work and post it on your private channel in Teams.
Y2 - Can I write an expanded noun phrase?
Lets find out what an expanded noun phrase is.
Can you write an expanded noun phrase for each of the nouns in the word bank above. Write each noun phrase on a new line as a list. You can use the adjectives from the word bank to help and think of your own. Get your white board pens and highlight all the nouns in your noun phrases.
Here are some noun phrases from the picture of Nelly.
The small, fluffy dog
A spotty skirt
Remember you have to find and use the nouns from the word bank above.
Clue - there are 9 nouns so you should have written 9 noun phrases.
Take a photo of your work and post it on your private channel in Teams.
Ask someone in your family to test you on this weeks spellings.
Quiet reading for 20 mins - you can read to someone else or to yourself.
Y2 - make sure that you click on the link and complete the quiz when you have finished a book.
Go to the website home page and scroll down to find 'French Friday' with Madame Hebblewhite.
Collective Worship
Today's collective worship is on the Enrichment page of the website under 'News & Events'