Monday 11th January
10 Jan 2021
Monday 11th January 2021
Good Morning Home School!
Teams chat at 10 o'clock
I hope you have all had a great weekend in the snow. Remember our Teams chat this morning is at 10 o'clock.
Jo Wicks is back so you could join in with his PE lesson which is being streamed live at 9 o'clock.
Morning work
Facts at your fingertips!
Find the booklet called 'Weekly Written Arithmetic Questions' Turn to Week 3. Use your watch or a timer to see how quickly you can complete all the questions. Stop after 5 minutes.
Y2 - You can miss out questions 16.
Now log onto Teams and click on the Assignments tab. You will see an assignment called 'Weekly written arithmetic 3'. Click on the assignment and complete the questions by clicking on the answer that you have written down in your booklet. I have not set all the questions.
Can you remember how to correctly form the capital letters D, M and T? Have a quick practice by using your white board pen and following the arrows to complete the letters D, M and T on the laminated letter formation sheet. Remember all the capital letters start at the top and you never go back up and down the same line.
Click on the video below to listen to some more of our story. I have started from where George is building his machine.
If this was your story what would happen next? What would the dragons do? What would George find when he woke up? How would he get back home?
In your Yellow Home School book write the title
My Ending
Now write the short date in the margin.
Draw a picture for your ending of the story. Write sentences to tell me your ending of the story.
Y2 - The picture is optional or you might want to draw it after you have writen your ending if you have time. Can you include interesting story language (words and ideas from books you have read or heard) to make it exciting for me to read.
Here are some ideas that you could use from our Teams chat.
Take a photo of your work and post it into your private area on Teams. (If you have problems doing that then email it to me at
Year 1
Can you remember what sound 'ai' makes?
Copy your spellings into your home school book. Copy each word onto a new line so that you can practice them each day using the 'Look, say, cover, write, check method.
Can you find the 'ai' sound and put a line under it?
Are there any other 2 letter sounds in your words?
Y2s this week we learning about plurals. Click on the link to meet the Plural Pirates. You need to click on 'Start', then 'Go to Menu' , then watch the 2 demonstarations 'Just add s' and 'Just add es'
Copy your spellings into your home school book. Copy each word onto a new line so that you can practice them each day using the 'Look, say, cover, write, check method. Rember to use joined up handwriting. Look on your laminated handwriting sheet for any letters that you are not sure how to form.
Quiet reading for 20 mins - you can read to someone else or to yourself.
Y2 - make sure that you click on the link and complete the quiz when you have finished a book.
Book swap - you can bring back reading books that you have finished and pick up new books from school on Tuesday. There will be tables under the shelter with books in boxes according to book bands (for Y1) or AR numbers (for Y2).
Y2 - 1) Please make sure that you have checked the AR number that you need before putting your old books in the drop off box. 2) Also make sure that you have completed a quiz for any book that you bring back.
On Friday you found lots of objects around your house that were made of different materials. How did you know what material they were made of?
How did Kitson know that the egg shaped object was actually made of stone? How did James know that the floor which looked like wood was actually porcelain?
Do the different materials feel the same? Do they smell the same? Do they sound the same when you tap them?
How can you describe the different materials? Find different objects made of the same material e.g. wood. Use your senses to decide what wood looks like, feels like, smells like, sounds like (Don't taste anything). Think of a type of material. Describe it to someone in your family. Can they guess what material you are thinking of? Add your words on Teams.
Collective Worship
Today's collective worship is on the Enrichment page of the website under 'News & Events'