Friday 8th January
07 Jan 2021
Friday 8th January 2021
Good Morning Home School!
Teams chat at 10 o'clock
I am really looking forward to our Teams chat this morning at 10 o'clock.
To get on you just need to log into Teams and you should see a thread near the bottom that looks like this:
You just need to click in the blue bar with the words 'Our first Home School Teams meeting' and then click on the button in the top right of the screen. The next screen asks you to 'Choose your video and audio options' and you need to make sure that you have microphone and camera enabled (not crossed out) then click 'Join now' in the bottom right of that screen. You will now be in the 'Lobby' where you need to wait for me to let you into the meeting.
Morning work
Y1 - write the numbers 1 to 10 as numerals using your whiteboard pen and the laminated sheet headed 'Writing numbers'. Can you say the number formation rhyme as you write?
Y2 - Write the numbers 1 to 10 in numerals and words using your whiteboard pen on the back of your laminated letter formation sheet. Did you form all of your numbers correctly using the rhyme above?
Check your spelling using the back of your dictionaries or click on the Home Learning tab at the top of the page.
Let's practice writing some capital letters that you will need for the title of today's writing. Watch the video below.
Now practice the letters D, M and T on your 'Rainbow Capital Letters' page in your Handwriting booklet.
Click on the video below to listen to some more of our story. I have started at the beginning because I couldn't remember it all.
What would your dragon machine look like? What would it be able to do? I want you to design your own Dragon Machine.
In your Yellow Home School book write the title
The Dragon Machine
Did you remember how to form those capital letters correctly? Now write the short date in the margin. You can find the short date at the top of this page. Now draw a picture of your dragon machine design in the top half of the page. (Don't worry about drawing on the lined paper at home.) Label your picture and write some sentences underneath your drawing to describe what your dragon machine looks like, what it has on it and what it can do.
You can't see my picture but here are some of my sentences:
My dragon machine has enourmous metal wings that help it to fly high above the clouds. The long tail is bolted together so that it can wave from side to side. It has a hollow head that is so big I can fit inside it.
Can you imagine what my dragon machine looks like and can do?
Y2 - I have highlighted all the adjectives that I have used. Can you highlight all the adjectives that you have used. Remember adjectives describe nouns.
Take a photo of your work and email it to me at
Year 1
Watch the video to find out what we are doing today.
Y1 & Y2 - Can you remember all your sounds? Join in with me to play a game of Flashcards Time Challenge below.
Quiet reading for 20 mins - you can read to someone else or to yourself.
Y2 you can click on the link and complete the quiz when you have finished a book. Don't forget to complete a quiz for any books that you have read over the holidays.
Click on the link and have fun joining in with all the actions
How can you tell if something is made of wood? What about glass? What about metal?
Go on a materials hunt around your house. Make a list of all things that you can find that are made of
Did you find any unusual materials? Send a message on Teams
Collective Worship
Today's collective worship is on the Enrichment page of the website under 'News & Events'