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Class 2 - Friday 10th July

09 Jul 2020

Good Morning everyone!
I hope you are all well and ready for today's activities.

Time To Do Friday Dance Cat GIF - TimeToDoFridayDance Cat Kittens GIFs  
  Aint No Party Like A Polar Bear Party GIF - Polarbear Dance Party GIFs

You've made it to Friday again! Let's celebrate with some singing and dancing. 

I hope that you have enjoyed thinking about mindfulness and  celebrations this week.
Remember that in our busy lives, it's important to take time to be calm and thoughtful and also to have lots of happy times and celebrations. 
I hear that you've been enjoying the outdoor activities.

Here's a lovely picture that Ethan created, using lots of things that he found outside:


Here's some of Blake's super writing about Mindfulness week:
Slide Show 


Next Week is a Transition Week
This means that you will  be doing activities with the class that you will be in next year.
So, on Monday:​
Year 1 - Please look on this page, as usual. The Reception children from Class1 will also be joining us.

Year 2 - Please look on the Class 3 page for your activities!  This is very exciting for you. You will have a brilliant time in Class 3.  Come back to have a look at the Class 2 page next Friday, so that we can all say our goodbyes before the holidays!

 Collective Worship
Today, Mrs Barker will be doing Collective Worship. To join in, please go to the News and Events page > School News or
the Class 4 page.

Some calming thoughts to start the day:

Take a couple of minutes to quietly think about yourself and how special you are.


                                                       Click on the picture to start

Today's story is called 'Kipper's Birthday'. 
The story celebrates friendship and the importance of sharing celebrations with friends.

Click on the picture to start.

Maybe you could draw a picture of one of your birthday celebrations?    

Be a story writer!  Write a nature tale with a woodland setting

Can you write a story with a woodland setting? 
Many of you have been outside looking at trees or have even been to the woods this week.

Here are some possible story staters....
  • A tree has fallen in the woods
  • A character has gone missing
  • An animal is shouting an alarm call
  • There are some mysterious footprints to follow.​
Plan which woodland characters you will include and map out a plot for the story.
Don't forget to draw a picture.  You could even design a book cover for the story. 

Make an animal or forest out of Lego

Use you lego to make something inspired by nature.  You could make a woodland scene or a giant tree. Maybe you could make a giant minibeast, mammal or bird.

Mindfulness calming dot to dot:

 -Mindful Breathing Dot-To-Dot.pdf-  
Complete  your Positive Thinking Diary for today.  Think back and focus on something that went well.
-Positive thinking diary.pdf-  
Let's Go Outdoors!

Outdoor Maths


Art Competition
Would you like to take part in an art competition?  You could win a prize!
Draw a picture to show how happy you feel when you're out walking and cycling.
There are more details on the New Articles page




Mrs Watkinson  has shared lots of music activities with us. 
To join in, follow this link:   
or see the information on the  New Articles page

happy birthday good job GIF 
The Learning Project this week is about celebrations. These tasks are for you to work on throughout the week.  Choose some of the activities that interest you.  You might learn about different types of celebrations that take place and who may celebrate them. You might look at how people celebrate different events in other parts of the world. How about planning a celebration?!

Please click on the coloured words below to open links to videos.

Let’s Celebrate- 
Listen to the song ‘Celebration’:
Can you add actions to the dance? Could you have a concert and perform to your family and friends? Record the performance and watch it back - what could be even better about the performance? 
Create a Celebration Reading Den.
What could you have in there? Maybe balloons or bunting? Can you find any books about celebrations to enjoy in the new reading den? You might like have some things to read about Mindfulness and celebrations.

Months and Family Celebrations:             
Can you name the months in order?
On a calendar, write down when different family members birthdays are or when special events are happening in your family. Which month/months has the most/least birthdays/events?
Here’s a blank calendar for you to use if you like:     -2020-blank-monthly-calendar-01.doc-  

Make a bar chart or pictogram to show how many birthdays there are in your family for each of the months.  
Celebrations Around the World 
Happy New Year Celebration GIF by Faith Holland
Watch this video about celebrations.
Lots of celebrations happen all through the year all around the world.
Make a list of the months of the year.
Can you make a list of celebrations from around the world?
Which months are they celebrated in?  You could add them to the calendar.
  • Draw a picture of the celebrations that you find out about and label them.
  • Make a list of any of the events that you celebrate with your family. 
  • Which do you enjoy the most?
  • You could also match the celebration to the season e.g.                
Autumn: Diwali, Bonfire Night, Harvest Festival, Hanukkah
Winter: Christmas, New YearSpring: Holi, Easter, Mother’s Day
Summer: Father’s Day, Eid, Vesak

Create a celebration book.  This could be about one celebration or lots of celebrations  

Write a diary entry: 
Write about a celebration that you have taken part in. You might describe your birthday, Christmas or maybe a wedding that you went to.
Crafty Card Making
Create a celebration card for a family member. This could be for a birthday, a religious celebration or just for being them!
What will you put on the front? Can you use different materials to design your celebration card?
You could practice your handwriting skills and neatly write the address on the envelope, ready to be posted.
 Maybe you could create a pop-up card?
Party Preparation
Would you like to become a party planner?
You could plan a party for a person of your choice.
Write a guest list for the party, design an invitation and make a list of things that you will need (e.g. banners and balloons). You could even choose songs to play and write a shopping list for the buffet.
Design a celebration menu: Write a menu for a special celebration. It could be Christmas dinner or a Diwali feast?
Don’t forget to include a dessert and drinks.
What could the menu look like? Decorate it with pictures that match the celebration.

Bake a cake: Ask an adult to help you to bake a cake. Plan the cake that you would like to make and add the ingredients to a shopping list.
Write the instructions in your best handwriting and draw a picture of what you like the cake to look like.
When you have the ingredients, start to make the cake.
Weigh out the ingredients and bake a cake for a celebration.

Celebrate the seasons of the year
Everyday, as we look around us, there are wonderful things in the world to celebrate.
Each season, we celebrate the wonderful changes that happen in nature:
Watch this video and this video about seasons.

Create a mini book all about the four seasons.

Perhaps you could also make a craft project to represent each season.
You could collect some materials to create a Seasons Calendar.
Think about the design and what you will need.
Celebrate Summer with some Music and Singing

Visit this BBC website for sea themed music and learning ideas. 

There are some games and ideas, about being at the seaside, from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution here.  
I hope that you are enjoying the Mindfulness and Celebrations activities this week.
Take care, have fun and I'll be back with you on Monday!
Have a great weekend.

Mrs Micklefield

A note for Parents, 
If you have any queries or problems, or anything you need help with, please feel free to contact me: If the children have any photographs, pictures or work that they are particularly proud of, please forward them to me and I will post some of them on the website.
I hope you are all well. 


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