Class 2 - Around the World Gallery
18 Jun 2020
Class 2 have been doing activities about different places in the world this week.
Here are some of the lovely pieces of work that have been sent in. Thankyou for sharing.
If you would like to see your work on the celebration gallery next week, please send it to me at:
Have a lovely weekend. I'll be back with you all on Monday!
Mrs Micklefield
Tom Henry sent this lovely picture to show Earth and the other planets:
Thomas L. has been enjoying researching about Madagascar:
We enjoyed reading 'Meercat Mail'. The story inspired Ethan R. to write a travel review about a visit to the seaside.
Tom Henry researched to answer questions about real meercats:
We've been looking at flags from different countries.
Ethan R. made a collage flag and Tom Henry has been drawing flags from many different countries:
Well done to all of you who have been completing your MyMaths lessons and activities.
You have also been busy learning about symmetry this week.
Here's a picture of Ethan R's work about symmetrical flags. Can you see the symmetrical flags at one side of the page and the ones that are not symmetrical at the other side? Ethan has also been practising his number bonds using cupcake cases and pompoms!
Blake has been looking at the flags and finding facts about lots of countries:
We keep thinking about ways that we can be helpful to others.
I was very pleased to hear that Thomas helped with the washing up after last week's baking with chocolate activity!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!