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Class 2 - Thursday 4th June

03 Jun 2020

                                    The Weirdly Wonderful Seneca Wallace Small Talk Chit Chat Talkin ...                                                      
Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you are all well and ready for today's activities.  I hear that many of you have been busy doing lots of different types of exercise - well done! 
Remember, you can do the tasks in any order, and you don't have to do everything if you don't have time. yes 

For those of you who are in school today, I hope that you have lots of fun with Mrs Higginbotham!


Let's begin the day with some exercise.
You might like to do one of these activities, or maybe go for a walk, run or do some cycling.   


Wake up and shake up! Start the day with some PE, or maybe have a PE session later in the day.
Click on the link below to choose from the selection of activities.  You could do a morning routine with Joe Wicks, find a fun activity on GoNoodle or try something new like yoga:

Try to read a variety of books at home each day.  Aim to spend at least twenty minutes reading. This can be reading a 
book aloud or sharing a book with an adult. It might be a book from your bookshelf, a book from school or an online text.  

Today, we are going to watch to a story called The Catch
A young fisherman's catch is stolen by a fox who leads him to the catch of a lifetime.

Think about these discussion questions :

Pause the film after 40 seconds when the child hears a noise.
Where does the child live? Is it near where you live? How can you tell?
Describe what he looks like.
What do you notice about the lake?
What is the child doing?
How do you think he feels when he looks at the fish in the basket? Why might this be?

Pause the film at 2:04 when the boy catches the fox.
What does he find behind the bush?
Why does the animal cower when he sees the boy’s knife?
How does the fox react to being cut free?
Why does the boy hesitate to follow the fox?
Think of three words which end in ‘ly’ to describe how the fox moves (E.g. Quickly)

At the end of the clip ask:
How is the boy feeling as he follows the fox climbing up the rocks?
Where does the fox lead him to?
Explain why do you think he takes him there?
Describe the sun over the lake in two sentences.
What does the new lake mean for the boy and his people?

. Maths: 
Today we are going to work on Sumdog. 
Log in and spend twenty minutes practising your mental maths skills.

Then, here's a Maths Challenge about 'The Catch' story in today's reading task:

Tribal Maths challenge
The boy goes fishing every day for a week.
On the first morning he catches three fish.
On the second morning he catches six fish.
The number he catches increases by three each day. How many fish does he catch:
On the third day?
On the fourth day?
On the fifth day?
On the sixth day?
On the seventh day?
Maybe you would like to try an extra challenge?
The boy returns to the lake each day for the following five days.
He catches 64 fish on the first day.
Each day the number he catches is half the total from the previous day.
How many does he catch on the:
Second day?
Third day?
Fourth day?
Fifth day?


Spelling Test 
If you have been practising any spellings for Mrs Higginbotham from before the holiday, please ask an adult to test you. 
Some of you didn't have a list, so don't worry, here are your new spellings.  
The next spelling test will be next Thursday - June 11th.

New Spellings
This week, we are moving onto a new set of spelling rules: 
-Please have a look at the Powerpoint information about your spellings.
-Look at the spelling lists and write your words into a spelling log.
-Practise your handwriting skills.  Open the document to see the handwriting joins for each of your words.  You can print the page or look at the words on your screen then copy them.

Please click on the links to open the documents: 

Year 1:  Adding the suffixes ‘s’ and ‘es’ to words                                                                                                
Spelling List - -Year 1 adding suffixes s and es.doc-  
Powerpoint presentation about the suffix ‘s’ and ‘es (open into slideshow)  -Year 1 Suffix s and es.ppt-  
Activity -   -Activity Sheet Crack the Code.pdf-  
 (The answers are at the end, so you can check when you have finished)
Handwriting practise: 
Right-handed writers  -Y1 Handwriting and spellings suffix s and es.pdf-  
Left-handed writers   -Y1 Handwriting and spellings suffix s and es.pdf-  


Year 2- Question words and grammar vocabulary:

Spelling List -  -question words and grammar vocab gthorp.doc-  
 Powerpoint presentation (Open into slideshow)   -Year 2 PP Presentation about question and grammar words.ppt-  

Activity --Year 2 Word Map Activity Sheet.pdf-  
(The answers are at the end, so you can check when you have finished)

Handwriting practise: 
Right-handed writers -Y2 Handwriting and question words.pdf-  
Left-handed writers    -Left handed Handwriting and question words.pdf-  



Can you design a poster all about teamwork? This could be linked to your family and how you all have to work together as a team.  What are good qualities of being a team member?  

Exercise Diary
Hopefully, you now have lots of activities listed in your exercise diary.
Write all the activities you do today, under the heading ‘Thursday'.

Be kind and help others

Don’t forget to try to do something to help someone else each day! There are lots of things that you could do to be helpful.  I hope you tried hard to be helpful during the holidays!  Have a think about what you could do to help someone!  

The Learning Project for this week: Sport
These activities are to work on throughout the week.  Choose the tasks that interest you.

● Obstacle Course Fun-
Your task is to design and make your own obstacle course outside. Draw and label the design first and include all the equipment you will need. Then use your design to create the obstacle course. Ask your family to complete the obstacle course whilst you time them. You could even make medals from tin foil or any other suitable material and present them to the winner during a winner’s ceremony

● Make a Family Mascot
You could make your own family mascot using materials from around the house.
First, visit the Olympic Mascot Official list and look at past mascots. Click on the British mascot to find out more ---> 
 What makes a good mascot? What qualities does the mascot represent?
● Remarkable Routines
Can you create a simple routine, just like a gymnast, dancer or synchronised swimmer? Start by watching a video of a routine together, here are some suggestions:
men’s gymnastic routine
ladies’ gymnastic routine:
Then, choose a piece of music to practise your routine to.
When you are confident, you could ask someone to film your sequence.
Watch the performance together- what do you think went well? What could be even better?
● Terrific Team Kits
Can you design your very own team kit?
Think about the flag of the country that you would represent and how to incorporate the flag colours into the design. You could draw the design with a pencil or maybe use a computer program to do this.

● Research about the Olympic games.
What are the Olympic games?  When did they start? How often do they take place?   
● Can you Invent a New Olympic Game?
Challenge you invent your own game for the 2021 Olympics?
Look at a list of all of the sports that already compete in the summer Olympics: Click here --->      
Can you write a set of instructions for the new game or draw illustrations?  
Why not test the game out as a family?
Brilliant Bodies
● What can your body do? Balance on one leg? Touch your nose with your tongue?
Look at the body challenge cards and see how many you can do.
 Click here to see the challenge cards  ---->
 Ask your family to join in.  You could make your own body challenge cards.
Additional learning resources parents may wish to engage with
● The NHS Change 4 Life website has some great games and activities, specifically ones for staying indoors.
Click --->
Outdoor Activities:
Here are some lovely ideas about activities to enjoy when you are outside.
The Woodland Trust:

Work hard, be kind and have a fun day. 
Mrs Micklefield


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