Friday 22nd May
21 May 2020
Friday 22nd May 2020
Good morning Home School!
Wake up and shake up! Click on the link below to choose an activity to start the day. Do a morning routine with Joe Wicks, find a fun activity on GoNoodle or try something new like yoga.
Morning work
Y1 - Write your name in joined up on the back of one of your laminated sheets.
Y2 - Carefully cut up all your time loop cards. Then start with the card that says 'GO!' and see if you can match up all the cards - like dominoes. Challenge: How quickly can you match all the cards?
Y1 complete Pencil control 10 in your Hadwriting 2 booklet. You can colour in the sun if you want. Make sure that you are using froggy fingers even when you are colouring in.
Y2 finish off any pages that you want in Handwriting 5. I won't be setting work from that booklet again.
Work to praise and share
Watch the video below to find out what does happens at the end of the story.
Who were the main characters in this story? Miss Merriweather, Mr McBee and the lion. Choose one of the characters and think about interesting adjectives (words that describe a noun) that you could use to describe them. Write the adjectives in your Home School book. Think about what they look like, what they do and how they behave. You can draw a picture of the character as well if you want.
There may be some appropriate adjectives from the list below that you could use.
Y1 Maths
Practice your doubles and number bonds. Click on the link and login just like yesterday.
Select the 'Homework' tab
Then click on 'Number facts and doubles 1'
Now choose 'Start Homework'
Complete the homework questions. If you see the button then click on it and the computer will mark your work!
If you already did this yesterday then don't worry just choose your favourite maths game and play it. There are games on MyMaths if you click on the 'Games' tab or you could log onto sumdog, numbots, purplemash, play a game of snakes and ladders or anything else you can think of.
Y2 Maths
Use your purple pen to mark your work from yesterday.
Get your clocks and help me work through the guided practice for today.
The pages in your Maths No Problem book today are 135 - 136
Maths Super Challenge
Y1 and Y2 have a last practice at your spellings using your spelling sheet. Ask someone in your family to test you on this weeks spellings.
Y1 & Y2 Read a few pages from your school book. Then quiet reading for 20 mins - you can carry on reading your school book, or choose a book you have at home. Think about a quiet place you could go to read.
Log onto
Click on Assignments then Zootime – Step 6
There is a new song and several games and activites to do. Choose one activity to do today.
We have now looked at 4 habitats: Pond, woodland, coastal and urban. For the rest of this week I would like you to think about all of these different habitats. Do you live near any of these? Have you visited any? What did you see living there?
You could:
1) make or draw each of the different habbitats with all the different plants and animals that are found there.
2) write a report.
3) paint a picture
4) create your own habitat outside
5) make a model using lego, junk or other construction equipment
6) investigate why different animals and plants live in different habbitats
Send me pictures of anything that you make, write or do. I will print them out and stick them on the science working wall at school.
Other Things
Have a great half term break next week!