Wednesday 20th May
19 May 2020
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Good morning Home School!
Wake up and shake up! Click on the link below to choose an activity to start the day. Do a morning routine with Joe Wicks, find a fun activity on GoNoodle or try something new like yoga.
Morning work
Get your journals and copy and complete as many questions as you can. Think about quick ways to work out the answers. You might need to use a different method for each question. Is multiplication commutative? (e.g. 4x2=2x4) Is there a multiplication fact that can help? (I know that 4x2=8 so 8÷2=4)
Black - Questions for everyone
Blue - Y2
Which zigzag letter are we going to practice today? Watch the video below to find out.
Y1 practice the letter 'z' on the page headed 'Zigzag letters' in your Handwriting 2 booklet.
Y2 practice the letter 'z' on the page headed 'Joining z' in your Handwriting 7 booklet.
Rules for Lions in Libraries
Y1 and Y2 - Yesterday we started reading the book Library Lion. Click on the video below to listen to the next part of the story.
What questions would you like to ask the lion in the story? Can you remember how to write a question? What do you need at the beginning of the question? (A capital letter) What do you need at the end of a question? (A question mark). Write one or more questions that you would like to ask the lion.
Optional challenge: Imagine what the lion would say and write an answer for each of your questions. You could try first by pretending to be the lion and get someone else in your family to ask you your questions and see what pops into your head.
Get your highlighter pen and highlight all the capital letters and question marks that you have used. If you did the optional challenge then you will also have some full stops to highlight.
Y1 Maths
Today we are going to practice our number bonds to ten using a new website called MyMaths. Watch the video below to find out what to do.
Click on the link to have a go yourself at sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the lesson. You will need the login details that were sent to you by email.
Y2 Maths
Get your purple pen and mark your work from yesterday.
Today I want you to think about everything we have done so far about telling the time and practice by completing the 9th and 10th pages in your Time Practice booklet. They should look like this:
1) What are the numbers around the outside of the clock showing? Go over the numbers on the outside of the clock to show the minutes.
2) So what do the numbers 1 to 12 show? - The hours.
3) For each clock write the digital time underneath or circle the correct time on the second sheet.
Remember that you can copy the times with your clock to make it easier to see the short hour hand and the long minute hand.
Optional challenge: For the first sheet can you work out how many minutes it is until the next hour. So clock number 1 shows the time 2:40. How many minutes is it to 3 o'clock? You can write ' ____ minutes to 3' under the digital time.
Maths Super Challenge
Y1 and Y2 - can you remember all your sounds? Join in with me to play a game of Flashcards speed trial.
Year 1
Practice your spellings using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' method using your spelling sheets.
If you have time log onto Sumdog and choose 'Spelling'. Have a go at playing some Sumdog spelling games.
Year 2
Practice your spellings using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' method using your spelling sheets. Remember to use joined up handwriting and think about how it feels to write each word. Sometimes the way the word feels as you write it can help you remember how to spell it.
Log onto Sumdog and choose 'Spelling'. Have a go at playing some Sumdog spelling games.
Y1 Read the poem 'Daily weather' in your Comprehension booklet. Read it again with lots of expression, maybe some actions would help. Now answer the questions. You might want to talk about the questions with someone in your family before you write your answers.
Y2 Read the story An Adventure for Brave Mouse in your Comprehension booklet then answer the questions.
Look at the learning steps below starting from 1) and decide on your challenge for today.
Can I
1) Say the answers to questions about a story read to me
2) Write down answers to questions that are read to me
3) Read the questions myself and write answers for a story that has been read to me.
4) Read the story myself and answer the questions.
We have now looked at 4 habitats: Pond, woodland, coastal and urban. For the rest of this week I would like you to think about all of these different habitats. Do you live near any of these? Have you visited any? What did you see living there?
You could:
1) make or draw each of the different habbitats with all the different plants and animals that are found there.
2) write a report.
3) paint a picture
4) create your own habitat outside
5) make a model using lego, junk or other construction equipment
6) investigate why different animals and plants live in different habbitats
Send me pictures of anything that you make, write or do. I will print them out and stick them on the science working wall at school.