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Friday 1st May

24 Apr 2020

Friday 1st May 2020

  Good morning Home School! 

Morning work
Use your purple pens to mark your work from yesterday. The answers are in the homework section of the website.

Do as many quesitons as you can.

Black  - questions for everyone.
Copy the words into your Journals and put a line under all the 2 letter sounds. Read each word. If the word is a real word then give it a tick. If it is not a real word you can draw an alien next to it.

Blue - Y2

Someone has rubbed out all the letters that make the /ee/ sound from my words. Can you match the words to the correct /ee/ spellings then copy them into your Home School books in joined up handwriting.


You all had some great ideas for Mrs Armitage's new bed. 

Practicing some of the letters we have done over the last 2 weeks. Go over these letters on your laminated letter formation sheet.

c    a    d   g   l     t    i    

If you can't remember how to form the letters correctly then watch the videos again.

Monday 20th     'c'
Tuesday 21st     'a'
Wednesday 22nd  'd'
Thursday 23rd   'g'
Wednesday 29th 'l' and 't'
Thursday 30th  'i'

Y1 complete the last two lines on the second page of Handwriting Extra. It should say 'More caterpillar letters' at the top of the page. 

Y2 find the page headed 'Top join to short letters 1' in Handwriting 6 (yes 6 not 5!). Complete the first 3 lines - o, oi and oil. Watch out for those top joins.

Listen to the story It's A Book.

What do you think Jackass and Monkey thought about books and electronic gadgets? Which one did they each like best?
Stories are made up of sentences. Sentences must make sense. They must start with a capital letter and end with a full stop or other punctuation mark.

Something has gone wrong with the sentences in your Punctuation and Grammar booklets. Can you fix them?

Y1 – ‘Muddled Sentences’ It looks like the words in the sentences have been dropped on the floor and are now all muddled up.

Y2 – pg7 ‘Sentences’ – Pretend that you are the teacher and use your purple pen to show Tom where his missing capital letters and full stops are. You don’t need to copy the sentence out again. At the bottom write one or two sentences about your family, pet or anything you want.


 Y1 Maths

It sounds like everyone had fun on their clock hunts yesterday. Can you guess where these clocks were found?

You have to look very carefully to spot the clock in the last picture and it is a tricky one to guess where it is.
Let's find out more about clocks.

Help me to tell the time.

Now it is your turn. What time do the clocks say below? Use the clock you made yesterday to show the same time as the first clock below. Where is the shorter hour hand pointing? Can you use the word 'o'clock' to write the time on the back of your number line? Don't rub it out because we will go through the questions together in a minute. Try showing the time using your clock then writing the time on your number line for all 4 clocks.

How did you get on? Let's go through the problem together.

The pages in your Maths No Problem book today are 101 and 102. Use the clock you made yesterday to show the times in the book to help.

Challenge: pages 103 and 104.

Y2 Maths 

Use your purple pens to carefully and neatly mark your work from yesterday.

What can you remember about clocks?

1) Complete pages 3 and 4 in your Time Revision booklet. You can use the clocks in your home school pack to copy the clocks on the sheet to make it easier to see.

2) Complete pages 9 and 10 in your Time Revision booklet. You can use the clocks in your home school pack to copy the clocks on the sheet to make it easier to see.

If you have time you could log onto SumdogI have set some 'Telling the time' practice for you.

Maths Super Challenge


Y1 and Y2 have a last practice at your spellings using your spelling sheet or log onto WordShark. I have set this weeks spellings so you need click on the 'My Set Work' tab at the top of the screen. 

Log onto PurpleMash. Click on '2Do' and you will see your spelling test. If it doesn't work just ask someone in your family to test you on this weeks spellings.


Y1 & Y2 Read a few pages from your school book. Then quiet reading for 20 mins - you can carry on reading your school book, or choose a book you have at home. Think about a quiet place you could go to read. Maybe outside?


Click on to have some more Zumba fun with all the family.


What has been your favourite thing you have noticed while sitting quietly watching outside? Have you had any ideas about attracting more animals into your garden? What have you noticed about the plants? 
If you want you could draw a picture, make a model or write about what you have noticed.

Some of the plants have grown seeds.

I like to blow and make wish.

Making a bird feeder takes a lot of work.

Other Things
What else are you doing at Home School? 
Another super restaurant! 

A collection of millitary watches re-discovered during yesterday's clock hunt.



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