Forest School
20 Jan 2020
A Muddy Start To Forest School
The Year 1, 2 and 3 children have had a very muddy start to their Forest School sessions! The older children have been busy teaching the Year 1 children to care for themselves, each other and the environment.
Our focus has been on safety- road safety when walking through the village, campfire safety and how we move large objects safely. We have talked about how we can stay warm in the winter and why we need to wear lots of layers of warm clothing, extra socks, hats, gloves and a waterproof layer.
The children have explored in the field, enjoying mud play and building imaginatively with the loose parts. We have seen some great creativity and team work.
We do go out in all weather so please keep packing your warm clothes, wellies and waterproofs. The children will be focusing on materials, properties of materials and how materials can change state this term.