The Little Ripon Book Shop
05 Mar 2025
Good Morning and Happy World Book Day Week!
I thought I’d remind you that we have all the WBD books in the shop ready for children to pick up in exchange for a WBD token. The books are completely free to the children when they bring in a WBD voucher.
We also have a fabulous, flashy, noisy, NEW WBD Machine arriving in the shop on Thursday 6
th March, ready to dispense books to willing recipients! It’s bonkers (of course), manufactured with love out of cardboard boxes (don’t tell the kids!) and it will be in use on Thursday and Friday after school and on Saturday from 10am! It’s been very popular the last few years please let your pupils know that a new machine will be here.
Have fun this week and hope to see you in the shop.
Gill and Team
The Little Ripon Bookshop
01765 606689