07 Jan 2025
Thank you again for your support and understanding with today’s unavoidable school closure. Whilst the main roads were safe and clear, the situation with the school site, car park and drop off/ collection points meant that we had no choice but to close in consideration of the safety of children, families and staff.
We are very grateful for the help received today to clear the snow. We have been able to clear and grit some paths and unblock all fire exits.
We hope to be open, however the forecast currently is for extreme low temperatures overnight and possible further snow. With that in mind, we will have to carefully risk assess first thing again tomorrow morning. Our concern is we may have treacherous conditions in the drive up to school and car park despite our best efforts.
We will notify all families by no later than 7.30am on Wednesday 8th January if school is open or closed.
If we are open, in order to facilitate a safer start to the day, we will keep registers open until 10am. We hope that this would allow for a safer, more staggered start to the day for families.
We appreciate and apologise for the inconvenience this may cause, but the safety of all has to be our paramount concern.