FROGS AGM: 15 July 3pm
12 Jul 2024
Notice of AGM: Monday 15th July 3pm
Dear Parents and carers,
FROGS usually hold's it's AGM in the first term of the school year. This year the AGM has been slightly delayed, and we will instead be holding it on Monday 15th July at 3pm!
We need a minimum number of attendees of 6-8 to make it valid, so we'd really appreciate it if any parents/carers could arrive a little early to collect their children and come and join us in school for a very swift AGM!
Claire and I will be officially stepping down from our roles as co-chairs in anticipation for a new an enthusiastic FROGS team to step forward and help to take the charitable efforts of our school community in a new an exciting direction!
If anyone would like to nominate themselves to take a place on the new committee, then please either email admin to let us know your interest, or come along to the meeting to put yourself forwards. We will be looking for volunteers for the following roles:
- Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
We will also plan the next AGM for early in the new school year, so will also accept any volunteers for our new FROGS committee at the next meeting if necessary.
Looking forwards to seeing as many of you as possible on Monday at 3pm!
Hannah Kitching