Sun Protection
05 Sep 2023
As the temperatures are set to rise as the week progresses, please can you ensure your child is sent to school with sunscreen and a hat.
Use of Sunscreen
Sun Safety at School ~ ‘Slip, Slap, Slop’
Slip on a t-shirt and sunglasses. Slap on a hat. Slop on some sun cream.
Grewelthorpe C E Primary School is concerned about protecting staff and pupils from sunburn and skin damage that can be caused by the harmful ultra-violet rays in sunlight. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the country. As sunburn and almost all skin cancers are caused by the sun, it is possible to prevent this happening. We believe that by encouraging sun safe behaviour at school and teaching children about the risks of sunlight, we can prevent them burning and contribute towards preventing skin cancer. We would like your help and support in this matter. At school we encourage children to avoid sunburn and overexposure to the sun by:
- Seeking the shade, particularly during the middle of the day;
- Wearing suitable hats and sunglasses;
- Wearing clothing that protects the skin, particularly for outdoor activities and school visits;
- Using a high factor sunscreen (SPF 15+)
Staff are encouraged to set an example. Teachers and support staff on outdoor duties or in charge of school outings will remind children to cover up in the sun and use sunscreen. You can help by encouraging your child to bring, and wear, a hat at school, particularly on sports days and school visits. Also, by encouraging your child to wear long sleeved shirts and longer shorts when outdoors. The school will remind parents of the sun safety policy from time to time, particularly around the start of the summer term, sports days and outings.
Sunscreens provide added protection and may be useful when other measures are not available. Dermatologists recommend that a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at the very least 15, or above, will provide children in this country with adequate protection.
If a pupil is to use sunscreen parents are asked to:
Provide the sunscreen product for school use. The sunscreen must be:
Clearly marked with the child’s name.
Replenished by the parent as needed.
A non-aerosol sunscreen product.
The sunscreen product will be stored in your child’s bag or other location designated by the teacher.
The child must be able to apply his or her own sunscreen.
Children must not allow other children to use their sunscreen.