Leavers Day Out Reminder
13 Jul 2023
Our exciting Leavers Day Out for the Year 6s is on Monday!
We will be leaving school as soon as possible after registration on Monday morning (approximately 9:15).
Thank- you to those parents who have offered to help with transport- all children have been assigned a spot in either a parent's or staff member's car. We will take part in paddleboarding and zorbing activities and will have a picnic lunch there. The children will also have the opportunity to buy an ice cream before we return to school in time for normal pick up.
Thank- you so much for all contributing to the day out and for filling in the consent forms so promptly.
Please remember the following:
- A full change of clothes (including footwear)
- A towel
- A packed lunch
-Optional £5 for ice cream
-Water Bottle
Hopefully they will have a great fun day!
Any questions, as ever, please email the office.