Leavers Day Out
08 Jun 2023
Dear Year 6 Parents,
The Leavers Day out will take place on Monday 17th of July.
We will be going to 'Live for Today' at Ripley Castle to have a fun-filled day- paddleboarding in the morning and either zorbing or orienteering in the afternoon (weather dependant).
We would be very grateful to have any volunteers to transport the children there either one way or both. If you may be able to help please speak to Mr Breckon or email the office.
The price is £35 per child. We are asking for a £20 contribution per child for this which can be paid through Parent Pay. The consent form is also available on Parent Pay.
A packed lunch will be required as we will have a picnic lunch and about £5 spending money can be taken as the children will have the opportunity to buy an ice-cream.
Please can all children bring good footwear, a towel and a change of clothing (and another pair of shoes!). A sunhat/ suncream or coat too- depending on the weather!
Any questions, please email the office.