Class 3 Trip: Lime Tree Farm
21 Sep 2022
Please remember the trip tomorrow. The children will need a rain coat and a packed lunch!
Class 3 are going on a trip to Lime Tree Farm to learn abut the stone circle and iron age round house on Thursday 6th October.
They will be walking to the farm and will leave school at 9:30am, they will be back in time for normal pick-up time.
Children should wear usual school uniform with comfortable shoes and a waterproof coat.
The children can bring a pack up from home for lunch. If you would like one from the school kitchen, please email the office as soon as possible (it will be a choice of a ham/ cheese or tuna sandwich)
Please can the attched consent form be filled in and returned to the school office.
-Consent- LimeTreeFarm.docx-
Thank- you!