Class 4: Kwik Cricket Competition
26 May 2022
On Tuesday the 7th June we are taking the Class 4 children to a Kwik Cricket Competion at Markington Cricket Club.
We will be going by bus and will be leaving from school at 9am prompt. The children will be arriving back at school at around 3:30pm so we will be back slightly later than normal.
Please can the children bring a packed lunch from home (if you would prefer a school packed lunch please let the office know) and plenty of water.
Please send the children in wearing their PE kits and trainers along with sun cream and hats and/or waterproofs.
Parents are very welcome to come and spectate at Markington, we hope to see some of you there.
Please complete the attached consent form. Hard copies are available in the office should you need one. As this is just after half term it would be very appreciated if you could return these asap.
-Consent - Particular visit- Cricket.doc-
Thank- you