Sublime Science!
25 Mar 2022
Sublime Science Workshop
This half-term, our curriculum focus is science. The children are working on a variety of science topics and will also engage in some of the British Science Week activities. To celebrate science in our school, we are also looking forward to a fun filled day with
‘Sublime Science’ on
Wednesday 6th April.
The workshops are the perfect mix of Spectacular Science Experiments & Hands-on Activities, including:
- 'Magic' Tricks and Spectacular Experiments where the children's mouths will fall wide open with amazement! (And they'll about the scientific method too!)
- Sweet Making as a Science Experiment - Every single child will be grinning from ear to ear when they taste them! (As well as understand chemical reactions!)
- Spectacular Science - Bubbles, Smoke & Flying things where the children learn all about pressure, air & forces too.
- Gooey Slime Making - the children will make their own slime to take home & show their parents (and learn all about polymers too!)
We would like to request a contribution from parents of £6 per child to go towards the cost of the workshops, using Parentpay.
‘The Science Workshop that is 110% guaranteed to get children raving about science.’
‘The Dragons Den Winning Science Workshop for Primary Schools’