Swinton Park - Update
15 Nov 2021
- Children are to wear school uniform along with walking boots/wellingtons and a waterproof coat.
- Children will require a packed lunch and a drink (it has come to light that they will only be making a pastie at the cookery school workshop) You can provide a morning snack if you wish.
- If your child normally uses a booster seat, please ensure that you bring it along.
- The children will leave school at 8.45am and leave Swinton Park at 3.15-3.45pm (if your child travels to school in a taxi please make them aware of a possible delay)
- We had an overwhelming response in regard to parents offering to transport children to the event. Thank you every one that offered their services, much appreciated,
A email will be sent out to the parents chosen, informing them of which children will be traveling in their car. If you do not receive an email we won't be requiring your help this time.
If you intend to transport your own children to and from the event, please make sure that you inform the office by close of school tomorrow. This will save transport waiting in the morning for children that are going directly there.
If you are collecting your child, please notify a teacher before you leave with them.