04 Sep 2021
P.E. lessons with Sporting Influence will commence on Tuesday 7th September for all classes.
Please ensure that your child has the following kit in school.
P.E. Kit
• White T –shirt with the school logo (no football shirts)
• Navy/black shorts (no leotards)
• Navy/black jogging bottoms and navy/black zip up top for outdoor PE in colder weather (children will not be allowed to wear their school sweatshirt for PE)
• A pair of plimsolls or trainers for outdoor PE.
Children are encouraged to work indoors with bare feet. Boys or girls with longer hair or fringes across their eyes, will be required to tie or clip their hair back for all PE activities.
Please ensure that your child’s belongings are clearly marked with their name. For safety reasons no jewellery should be worn in school. If children have pierced ears, they should only wear a simple stud. These must always be removed for PE/swimming. Children must be able to remove these themselves for PE and swimming.
Please note:
Nursery children do not require a P.E. kit