Safe Parking
23 Nov 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
It has been brought to our attention
again that the issues with parking at drop off and pick up times has not been resolved.
Once again it has been reported that a number of parents are parking on the kerbs and in the turning bay in the school car park, making it difficult and dangerous for other cars, parents and children to pass safely.
We have also had numerous complaints about cars parking at the entrance to the school on the footpath,on the brow of the hill and in front of residents houses which is resulting in blocking access to their drives.
This is especially dangerous for the children as they have to cross the road in between parked cars.
For safeguarding reasons, parking must be resteicted to the marked bays only. If there are no parking spaces available within the school car park then please find an alternative park in the village or behind the Crown Inn.
Please do not park at the school entrance.
If the problem continues our local PCSO, Alison Swan will be informed so as she can come along and monitor the parking issues.
We would appreciate your support and co-operation in helping keep our school safe.