Letter from HT
18 Mar 2020
th March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
We would like to thank you for your support, understanding and patience through this period of uncertainty. Today we received the guidance that all schools will be closed by the end of the school day on Friday 20
th March until further notice.
Tomorrow, Senior Leaders of the Federation will be meeting to discuss the provision for vulnerable pupils and pupils who have parents who are key workers in an essential service. Examples of these workers include NHS staff, police and delivery drivers. A full list of the key worker categories will be published by the Cabinet Office tomorrow. Vulnerable children include those who have a social worker and those with an EHCP. Children who do not fall into these groups should remain at home.
Staff at Fountains have sent home a learning resource pack tonight and Grewelthorpe will be sending this home on Friday. As of Monday 23
rd March, work will be set for all students to enable them to work from home via the class pages on the school website. The class teachers will have planned tasks that the children should complete in the workbooks sent home. There will be a variety of tasks, some which use technology and others which are more practical. If your child will not have access to any technology then can you please let the Headteacher know by Friday so that alternative arrangements can be made. The teachers have provided the log in details for all the programmes we use in school. If tasks are set using Purple Mash, then you can expect that the teachers will mark and provide feedback for the work produced.
I will phone all families each week to check on their well-being and parents can email teachers during working hours via the admin and headteacher email:
We understand that the government will put in place a system of support for families who are in receipt of FSM. Our administrators will contact you directly to discuss this provision.
As a school community, I wish every member the very best in these challenging times. I would like to thank all my staff for their positivity and commitment to being able to offer this service to our families. I would like to thank you for your support, cooperation and understanding.
Kind regards,
Pam Acheson