Y5/6 - School Trip to Thorp Perrow
06 Mar 2020
Class 4 are looking at 'argument and debate' in their English work and focusing on whether it's fair to still have zoos in the UK. To enable the children to have a rounded perspective on this and widen the debate, we've been given the opportunity to visit Thorp Perrow for the morning to look at the work they do with animals and learn about their conservation and breeding programmes.
This coach will be leaving at 9:15 on Wednesday 18th March and we will be returning to school at 1pm ish.
Please ensure your child has a packed lunch which can be carried in a rucksack, jumpers and coats and wellies will be needed. If you require a packed lunch provided by the school, please inform Mrs Simpson at your earliest convenience.
In order to keep the cost to a minimum, FROGS have agreed to pay for part of this trip, however we are asking for a contribution of £4.90 per child, this can be paid for on ParentPay or by cash in the school office.
Many thanks
Mr Breckon