Friends News & Events


29 Sep 2021


and Coffee Afternoon


Friday 8th October – 2pm

In the school hall, or via Zoom


I’m sure you are all eagerly awaiting the upcoming FROGS Annual General Meeting, which has been scheduled for Friday 8th October! The meeting will take place in the school hall, with the option to join remotely via Zoom link if required. If you would like to join us via Zoom then please follow this link at 2pm on Friday 8th October:

Time: Oct 8, 2021 02:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 770 6898 3081
Passcode: b61a8a


Free tea and coffee (from my fancy coffee machine if I can bring it!) will be provided to all FROGS members who can make it! And I will also bring some cakes for your delectation and delight!


The AGM will start at 2pm, and will be kept as brief as possible!


We need at least 6-8 people to attend the AGM for it to be valid! So if you can spare us an hour of your time then it would be very much appreciated!!


At each AGM the current committee stand down from their roles, and nominations are taken for new committee members. Anyone is welcome to nominate themselves to become a committee member.

Our current treasurer is looking to step back from the role this year, and I am also looking to step down from the role of Chair if possible after 3-years in the post.


The current committee will happily become your top supporters and general doers if you fancied taking control of the reins for a while, and you would have the full support of the team to help you achieve your vision!


The official committee positions up for grabs at this years AGM are:

  1. Chair (+/- Co-Chair)
  2. Treasurer
  3. Secretary


I have attached a separate document including the job descriptions for each of the roles for your further information. 


Rachel Bain, Claire Hallam, and Myself will remain Trustees of the charity, and will provide our full support to the new committee members.


Any nominations for new committee members are welcome by email in advance of the meeting (preferable), or alternatively individuals can be nominated at the meeting itself.


I look forward to seeing as many of you (or 6-8 of you at least!) as possible on Friday 8th October for a coffee and a cake!


Many thanks!


Hannah Kitching x


Committee Roles and Responsibilities

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