Friends News & Events

Druid’s Temple Cyclocross race Meeting (FROGS)

19 Sep 2019

Dear FROGs,

Please come to a FROGs meeting tomorrow morning (Friday 20th September) at 9am at school about the Druid’s Temple Cyclocross race which is being held at Bivouac on 27th October 2019 to raise money for FROGs. Please put the event date in your diaries and come along, have a go or help out on the day. I have made a website to promote the event, please check it out

To help the event raise as much money as possible for FROGs, I am looking for sponsorship, prizes and volunteers for setting up, registration, marshalling, baking, cake stall etc. If you think you can help with any of these or would like to hear more about the event and are wondering about whether to enter the kids and what exactly cyclocross is, please come along tomorrow morning.

If you cannot make it and would like to get involved, please give me a call on 07779 727903.

It will be a really fun family event with races for all ages and abilities from under 8s to over 60s. If you are on twitter and facebook please retweet and follow @druidstemplecx so we can spread the word.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Best wishes

Olly Hallam

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