Homework 3rd March 2023
03 Mar 2023
This week we have been learning about simple spreadsheets. Can you make your own calculator using PurpleMash.
1) Go to the Purple Mash website https://www.purplemash.com/login/#/portal/grewelthorpe/child
2) Use your username and password to login.
3) Click on '2Dos' at the top of the screen and then click 'Start' to open up '2Calculate'.
4) Open up a new sheet then enter a number.
5) Move right and enter a '+'
6) Move right and enter a number
7) Move right and enter '='
Then answer will be showing in the next cell!
Can you type in a subtraction caluclation (using '-')
Can you make it easy to read by changing the colours of the cells?
Year 2s you could experiment with multiplication.
Remember to save your work so that I can see it.
Reading practice book
All Year 1s have been given a reading practice book and Year 2s have a book from our Accelerated Reader Scheme. Please share your book with an adult and show them how we have been practicing reading with fluency and expression.
Talk about your favourite parts of the book, ask if there are words that you can't remember the meaning of and celebrate your success!
Please can the Year 1 books be returned to school next Friday.