Homework 7th October 2022
07 Oct 2022
We have been learning how to save our work, open work we have saved and search for activities on the learning platform Purple Mash. Homework this week is to explore Purple Mash and find something you enjoy. As we have been learning about 'toys old and new' you could try searching for activities about 'toys'. Remember to save your work so that I can see it.
The link to the website is:https://www.purplemash.com/sch/grewelthorpe
Your username and password are stuck on the inside back cover of your homework book.
Reading practice book
If you have been given a reading practice book then remember to share your book with an adult and show them how we have been practicing reading with fluency and expression.
Talk about your favourite parts of the book, ask if you there are words that you can't remember the meaning of and celebrate your success!
Please can the books be returned to school by Wednesday.