Helping your child at home.
09 Sep 2021
Homework is given out on a Friday to be handed in on the following Tuesday or before. The homework will usually be linked to work that we are doing in class for Maths, English or Topic and is an opportunity for children to share and talk about what they have been learning at school.
Each Monday the children are introduced to this week's spelling focus and are given spellings to learn for Friday. The words are written on a grid to enable a 'LOOK, SAY, COVER' then 'WRITE and CHECK' method of learning. The children will be using this method to practice their spellings at school each day. It would be helpful if they practice their spellings at home as well and this can be done in various ways including using magnetic letters or sounding out in the car. The spelling focus will be assessed on Friday in the form of a spelling test. Please keep the spelling books at home and bring them back to school on Friday.
Please support your child by listening to them read a few pages from their school reading book each day at home and recording this in their reading records. Reading should always be fun and engaging and include lots of talk and discussions about the book. The children must bring their reading books and reading records with them to school every day.