Thursday25th February
12 Feb 2021
Hello Class 1 !!
If you missed Story Time you could watch a video of me reading the story last year .Don't worry if I mention any work sheets .
Story Time . On a pirate ship . Click
here to watch .
English Reception and Nursery.
Can you draw a treasure map ? You could draw it on paper and think about what might be on your treasure island . When it is finished you could ask for a used cold tea bag to paint over it and make it look old !! Don't forget to mark the treasure with a big X ! You might have made a treasure map before.Think about making this one even better !!
Reception - you could draw and label on your map ;
a swamp
What else could you think of to put on your map ?
Draw a picture of yourself as a pirate and write what you do on the pirate ship .
eg On the ship I cook the food .
Maths Reception
Find the In the jungle sheet in your maths pack . Do your best to complete it .
Can you practise counting backwards from some different numbers ? Perhaps before you pretend to jump off the plank on a pirate ship ?
You might like to play with some coins , sort them out and count them .
Nursery Maths
Can you ask to play with some coins ? What do you notice about them ? Are they all the same ? Perhaps you could sort them into groups and count them carefully .
You could sort them by their size , shape or colour .
Fun Activity
Pretend to be a pirate ! Can you build a pretend boat ? perhaps use a rug on the floor as your boat .Go on an adventure - Where will you go ?
I know Albert made a fantastic boat out of cardboard boxes !!
You could ask your grown up for some coins to be your treasure .
Have a lovely day class 1 xx