Ripon Grammar science
A.Breckon - 28 Feb 2020
28th February 2020
We began our week in English by looking at the meaning of a debate and viewing our opinions on a variety of topics. Over the next few week, we'll be looking at whether it's right to have zoos or not. We at first shared our opinions but then went off to learn about all the positive work that zoos can offer and the effort that goes into enclosure design.
We also looked at a book which shows animals which are not in nice and well-thought enclosures to highlight the importance of their design and consider the feelings which these animals may have. Their task was to write an emotive poem, capturing the animals' feelings and how they'd see the situation. To help the class relate, we made a makeshift cage to imagine how it might feel to be viewed upon and eventually read our poems from within them.

Later in the week, we met Mrs Hoskins, a science teacher from Ripon Grammar, who'll be working with us for the rest of this term on Thursday afternoons studying electricity. We learnt the way in which electricity is generated, through the moving of electron particles and tried to create some ourselves through the use of balloons and cloths.

And finally, we have begun our history topic which will explore Fountains Abbey and learn about the life of the monks within it. We considered where Fountains Abbey fit in with the chronology of British history and had a go at ordering historical-town scenes using historical reasoning, looking at the development of clothes, transport, architecture and land use. We are looking forward to taking part in the Pilgrimage walk where we'll be setting off from Ripon Cathedral and following the route to Fountains Abbey before taking part in a two-hour workshop, learning about the monks who lived there. This will be on Wednesday 11th March.